Kuzma Family |
Stanley Kuzma is on the right. This was my mother's father. Stanley and his wife Josephine settled in St. Paul, Minnesota, and had seven children total--Anne, Josephine, Stella, Casimir, Harriet, Joan and Marie. I'm not sure when they moved to Milwaukee, but my mother was born in St. Paul in 1924, meaning they were still in Minnesota at that time. My grandfather reportedly worked for the Milwaukee Road. |
 Wisniewski Family |
This is a picture of Stanley and Blanche (Richlewicz) Wisniewski along with their son and my father, Edward, and their daughter Florence. The picture is dated July 1925, and Blanche would die from an appendicitis in early April of 1928. Blanche is buried in Saint Adalbert Cemetery in Milwaukee. The online cemetery database has her listed as "Blanche Wisniewska". |
 Florence & Eddie |
This picture of my father and his sister Florence was taken October 25th, 1942, on the roof of Federation Hall in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. My grandfather, Stanley, managed the hall for Federation Life Insurance before getting his own tavern on 16th and Rogers. "Rogers Tap" still stands but is no longer a tavern. |
 Kuzma Family |
Josephine Kuzma, mother of seven and wife of Stanley, was killed by a drunk driver while walking home from church on Palm Sunday in 1930. Her two youngest daughters, Joan and Marie, were accompanying her when the accident occurred. The 19-year old driver, Arthur Kaczmarek, supposedly spent 12 years in prison. |
 Uncle Gerry |
My Uncle Jerry died of heart attack while driving home from his air force reserve unit Christmas party. He was part of the 440th at Mitchell Field. In about 1990, I spoke with a Chief Master Sergeant at Warner Robins Air Force Base in Georgia, who asked me about my "unique" last name. The Chief had been part of the 440th at the time of my uncle's death and had even been at the Christmas party that fateful night. Small world, no? |
 Grandfather Wisniewski |
My father's dad had fought in WWI in France. He is supposedly listed on the entry records at Ellis Island. Funny to think that he immigrated to the United States only to shortly return to Europe. Born in 1896, he would have been about 24 or 25 when he returned to fight the Kaiser. |
 Josephine Kuzma |
Josephine Kuzma is buried in St. Adalbert Cemetery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. |
 Edward Wisniewski |
My father served onboard the USS Yorktown at the Battle of Midway in June 1942. I was able to find some survivors a few years ago and one guy who actually remembered my father! His daughter showed him a picture of my dad and he reportedly replied without hesitation, "That's Wisniewski!" Amazing. |
 CAA WTS School, Natchitoches, LA |
On November 1, 1943, my father entered flight training in Nachitoches, Louisiana. The organization was called a War Training Service(WTS) school operated by the Civial Aviation Authority. His last diary entry was December 13, 1943, with nothing unusual noted. Given the status of the war even in early 1944, the pilot pipeline was already starting to slow in the belief that the war would be over in less than a year. |
 CAA WTS School, Natchitoches, LA |
The back of the picture has the signatures and hometowns of everyone in Class 44E. I tried looking up a few, but found nothing of note. This a fairly large file and most of the signatures are legible. It is dated November 9, 1943 and was taken by Deluxe Studios of Hot Springs, Arkansas. |
 Wedding 1968 |
The Radomski's--Joe, Leo and Bobby. |
 Wedding 1968 |
Casey Kuzma on the right and my uncle Carl Christoph is on the left. Casey is the one who took the rest of these pictures. |
 Wedding 1968 |
Linda and Lance at the reception. |
 Wedding 1968 |
Starting left to right, the small child is possibly Robin, my Aunt Joe Radomski; an unknown woman in the hat; Aunt Clara Kuzma; cousin Bobby Radomski's wife Jeanee; and Leo Radomski, my uncle. |
 Wedding 1968 |
At the front of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, starting left to right: an unknown woman in a hat; my sister Mary Jo; Aunt Marie Grassell; Aunt Clara Kuzma, my sister Linda and her husband Lance LaForest of Champion, Michigan. |
 Wedding 1968 |
Starting nearest the camera is my dear Uncle Casey Kuzma; Carol Christoph Coppersmith; Carol's husband David; Carol's younger sister Judy Gruenwald. I think the guy at the end is Judy's husband, Carl Gruenwald. The amazing thing is that people have gone home and changed after attending the wedding. If you look closely, Casey's tie has changed from earlier images. |
 Wedding 1968 |
Starting from the left: Uncle Donald Grassell; his wife Marie, Aunt Clara Kuzma, Aunt Harriet Christoph. Both Harriet and Clara have changed from their earlier wedding garb. I don't remember what day this was, but I remember it being hot. |
 Wedding 1968 |
Outside Our Lady Queen of Peace, to the far right are Harriet and Carl Christoph. |
 Wedding 1968 |
My aunt Harriet, Lance, Linda and my mother. Harriet and Joan were sisters. |
 Wedding 1968 |
The Bridesmaids: Pamela, my sister Mary Jo, and Renee. |
 Wedding 1968 |
David Coppersmith and my cousin Leon Radomski. Between them in the background is Camille Radomski, Leon's wife. |
 Wedding 1968 |
The wedding party at the reception. I'm not sure who the priest was though it might be Father Strupp. |
 Wedding 1968 |
My uncle Casey Kuzma, my cousin's husband David Coppersmith, my uncle Leo Radomski and my cousin Jay Grassell. Jay went on to become a doctor and has been practicing in Northern California for many years. David was a Notre Dame Grad who died at the age of 41 in 1983. Casey passed in 1971 at the age of 54. Leo died in 1983 at the age of 79. |
 Wedding 1968 |
Linda and Lance turn to leave the the altar after the marriage ceremony. The location was the old Our Lady Queen of Peace Church on 27th and Holt. |
 Wedding 1968 |
My Uncle Jerome and my sister Linda. My Uncle Jerome was a substitute for my father who had passed 7 years earlier. I'm not sure why he was selected. The man holding the movie camera looks to be my Uncle Don. |
 Wedding 1968 |
Linda and Lance turn to leave the the altar after the marriage ceremony. The location was the old Our Lady Queen of Peace Church on 27th and Holt. |
 The Kuzma Sisters 1949 |
The back row is Marie, Clara and Joan. Clara was not one of the sisters, but was married to Casey Kuzma, the only son in the family. The front row is Stella, Anne, Harriet, and Josephine. This was supposedly taken on the ocassion of Marie's wedding to Donald J. Grassell, which we now know to have taken place on September 3rd of 1949. |
 The Kuzma Family 1949 |
Caey has stepped out from behind the camera for a Kuzma Family picture. |
 Graduation 1972 |
My high school graduation party in 1972. Starting on the left side is my Aunt Joe and her two granchildren Rose and Robin Radomski. Carl Christoph is seated just beyond Joe. The little guy is my nephew Lance LaForest. Standing in the background is my sister Linda, my mom, and Linda's husband Lance. My Aunt Florence Glowacki is holding my niece Michelle LaForest. That's me at the head of the table with my Uncle Chester Markowski and his wife Virginia(hidden). Harriet Christoph is the last person on the right. |
 Graduation 1972 |
Another photo of my high school graduation party in 1972. Sad to think that so many of those people are gone now. |